Modify CSS with JavaScript

In certain cases, where a browser does not support standard-compliant CSS, you may need to resort to using JavaScript to achieve a certain stylistic effect.

The following code provides the syntax necessary to use JavaScript to modify styles:

document.getElementById(id_of_element).style.javascript_property = "style";


If only it were that simple! How JavaScript refers to style properties varies a little bit from CSS.  The following table will assist you in finding the correct JavaScript style.

Using the table below, here’s a JavaScript example on how to modify the border width property of an element:

<p id="example">This is an example.</p>

document.getElementById('example').style.borderWidth = '4px';
CSS Property JavaScript Property
background background
background-attachment backgroundAttachment
background-color backgroundColor
background-image backgroundImage
background-position backgroundPosition
background-repeat backgroundRepeat
border border
border-bottom borderBottom
border-bottom-color borderBottomColor
border-bottom-style borderBottomStyle
border-bottom-width borderBottomWidth
border-color borderColor
border-left borderLeft
border-left-color borderLeftColor
border-left-style borderLeftStyle
border-left-width borderLeftWidth
border-right borderRight
border-right-color borderRightColor
border-right-style borderRightStyle
border-right-width borderRightWidth
border-style borderStyle
border-top borderTop
border-top-color borderTopColor
border-top-style borderTopStyle
border-top-width borderTopWidth
border-width borderWidth
clear clear
clip clip
color color
cursor cursor
display display
filter filter
font font
font-family fontFamily
font-size fontSize
font-variant fontVariant
font-weight fontWeight
height height
left left
letter-spacing letterSpacing
line-height lineHeight
list-style listStyle
list-style-image listStyleImage
list-style-position listStylePosition
list-style-type listStyleType
margin margin
margin-bottom marginBottom
margin-left marginLeft
margin-right marginRight
margin-top marginTop
overflow overflow
padding padding
padding-bottom paddingBottom
padding-left paddingLeft
padding-right paddingRight
padding-top paddingTop
page-break-after pageBreakAfter
page-break-before pageBreakBefore
position position
float styleFloat
text-align textAlign
text-decoration textDecoration
text-decoration: blink textDecorationBlink
text-decoration: line-through textDecorationLineThrough
text-decoration: none textDecorationNone
text-decoration: overline textDecorationOverline
text-decoration: underline textDecorationUnderline
text-indent textIndent
text-transform textTransform
top top
vertical-align verticalAlign
visibility visibility
width width
z-index zIndex